您覺得體力衰退 ?流逝的歲月是否已在您的身上留下痕跡 ﹖有了Bio Spray Plus 初乳液,不老從此再也不是神話!恒古以來,人類就一直在探索及追求延年益壽之秘.這一切,隨著生物科技的突進,已不再是遙不可及的夢.I-Linkage 所推出全新配方的Bio Spray Plus 初乳液,具有非常高的營養價值,不但讓您延壽,它也是強身保健秘方!

Adakah anda berasa tidak bermaya? Adakah muka anda mulai mengalami kedutan? Adakah anda mulai berasa masa berlalu dengan cepat? Jangan risau! Dengan Bio Spray PLUS Colostrum Liquid, keremajaan bukan lagi satu mitos. Sekian lama manusia mencari jawapan untuk awet muda, kini, dengan perkembangan pesat dalam era bioteknologi, proses mengawet muda bukan lagi menjadi satu tanda soalan.

Apr 7, 2008


How does HGH functions?

  • HGH is produced by the hypophysis cerebri in our main brain; it is basically different from other hormone type, as it is the master hormone which has the ultimate ability to activate almost the entire function of the body. HGH stimulates the engineering of the body changes, metabolism, and brain activities and disintegration activity. Therefore, HGH is able to reverse aging and regain youthfulness, both physically and mentally.

Why this product is good compare to others?

  • Because the ingredients of this product consist of 4 essential amino acids that proven to stimulate the pituitary gland to secretes hormones. Beside that if our pituitary gland and liver having problem, the IGF extracted from colostrums can bypass these glands and deliver to targeting cells.

Had HGH been tested many times?

  • Yes! HGH had been tested 3,000 times or more. In June 1999, a major test was carried out by US National Institute of Aging. To date, many other experiments that follow, came up with satisfying results.

Does the Federal Drug Association (FDA) approve HGH?

  • The latest one was in 1996 and it had been approved twice. The injected HGH will need prescription by the physician where else, the oral spray HGH, is termed as a supplement and it is safer to use.

Does Bio Spray gives long term benefit?

  • Yes, it is prevents the continual process of aging. The long term benefits comes from the reactivation of the hypophysis cerebri in our brain to maintain a livelier and healthier body function.

Does this new discovered Bio Spray have side effect?

  • Firstly, Bio Spray is not a new product. It is only new on the method of consuming it, however, it does not cause side effect. When the body is alerted and stimulated, it will begin a cleansing process to eliminate the weaknesses in the body. When this happened, we called it "The Critical Recovery" that is when the body begins its elimination by discarding toxic that had long existed in the body. During "The Critical Recovery" process, one may experience temporary discomfort, dizziness, sensitiveness of the skin, as well as moodiness and slight infection of the toxic. This is called the "Heeling Period" when the body is recovering. To assist this process you will need to consumes more water, up to 6 glasses a day.

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