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Apr 8, 2008

History of HGH?

1920 - Scientists have known the existence of Human Growth Hormone.

1958 - They began to apply HGH on children that suffer from dwarfism to help them grow normally. The effects were very obvious. The theory behind the use of HGH in those days was that the pituitary gland, which secrets HGH, was either defective or not functioning at all in those children with dwarfism. The main source of HGH for treatment at that time was extracted from the pituitary glands of dead people in Africa. It often took thousands of brains of the dead to produce just a few drops of HGH! Scientists were, therefore, forced to research alternatives such as synthetic HGH.

1985 - Genentech succeeded in producing large quantities of HGH through microbiological replication by inserting human DNA into microorganisms. Normal HGH has 191 amino acids, whereas Genentech's HGH had only 190.

1986 - Eli Lilly was able to produce HGH with 191 amino acids by using bio-engineering of the genes.

1985 - Dr. Daniel Rudman, a Wisconsin internal medicine scholar, first published in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society a brand new theory about aging based on his many years of extensive clinical experiments and research. He indicated clearly in the article that human aging is a result of HGH deficiency, and is not the commonly accepted view of "inevitable natural phenomenon." He further concluded that by stimulating the pituitary gland with HGH, the gland could be made to recover its function to secrete HGH again. This discovery not only stops the aging process but also turns back the biological clock to its adolescent stage.

1990 - Dr. Daniel Rudman published another article in the New England Journal of Medicine that shocked the entire medical fields. This article became a milestone in anti-aging treatment with the clinical trials of HGH. He selected 12 males, aged from 61 to 81 for treatment. After 6 months' use of HGH, their fat was reduced by 14.4%; skin thickness increased 7.11%; bone density increased 1.6%; liver improved 19% and spleen improved 17%. Dr. Rudman concluded that these 12 old men had become younger by 20 years both physically and psychologically.

1992 - The National Institute on Aging began in to carry out nine clinical experiments that took 5 years to complete. The results, unprecedented and far-reaching in influence, proved once again that Dr. Rudman's theory was correct.

1996 - Dr. Rudman had over 800 HGH patients, including movie stars, corporate executives, other renowned doctors, specialists and scholars. In his medical reports, he indicated that among thousands of patients, there was not even one single case of failure.
Within the past ten years, there were more than 30,000 case reports, the results were very encouraging. In 1996, FDA finally approved the usage of HGH in the treatment of both children and adults for suffering from growth hormone deficiency. It is now recognized in the medical fields that HGH is the major hormone among all hormones. It guides and promotes the release and secretion of other hormones.

To make HGH popular and easier to use, an oral delivery system has been developed. It takes advantage of the short distance between the brain and the mouth so that HGH can pass through the mucous membrane under the tongue into the blood vessels within seconds, then it goes directly into the brain. It is quickly absorbed and works to stimulate and reactivate the functions of the pituitary gland to secrete HGH and other rejuvenating hormones. Due to its low but proper dosage, there are no side effects. It is also affordable based on its reasonable price. With the availability of this product, thousands of middle-aged and senior people will not suffer from aging again. They can live healthily and happily for a long time and never worry about getting old!

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